Turn your Raspberry Pi into something more with these accessories.
@itsfoss Rapsberry Pi... Yawn... A perfect story of a biz suffering from their own success. I moved on to cheaper, and readily available, x86-based SFF machines with USB-based GPIO. Won't buy a rpi for a long, long time.
@cslinuxboy this! been thinking along those lines since raspberry pi 3…
@Kelho @itsfoss This is what I'm using in-place of any future Pi's https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CN43VZX6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 . It consumes the same amount of power as a Pi, has more compatibility (because its x86), and has a great form factor. And you don't have to worry about trying to find a USB power brick that can deliver enough power without getting power drop alerts (like the Pi).
Thanks a bunch! It seems quite a powerful alternative, but it is also slightly more expensive than I thought. Anything you can suggest within the 30 to 70 EUR pricetag? I was looking today at some Libre Computer hardware, and it seems quite nice too!