@dangillmor in this time period of instability some institutions will not survive.
@dangillmor Better to shut down, like we did after the Kent State murders.
@dangillmor After Kent State places like UCLA (were I was) shut down formal classes. A system quickly evolved of alternative classes - such as "Violence in America" - for credit.
If I remember correctly normal classes at UCLA were closed for at least a quarter, perhaps longer.
We actually learned a lot in these classes that were put together in the context of real life and by collaboration between the students and professors.
@karlauerbach @dangillmor universities need to be a lot more like this and Black Mountain l.
This is what happens when the tertiary sector is blackmailed to function like a ‘business’. Universities should have nothing to do with ‘business’. its core mission is to educate, mentor, and provide the grounds to question everything. Nothing else. #Education is a core fibre of society, weaken it and society fails.
@dangillmor The only reasonable response is for all Columbia students to wear masks all of the time. They can't arrest everyone.
First named 'Kings College', held up scientific freedom, independent the day's fashion, the basis of several of the founding fathers.
1930's the best place for technical studies.
Male dominated club untill 1983 (really: 1983 and still boys only!)
1997 renamed 'Fu foundation', for money.
Then Columbia University agreed to demands of pro-Palestine demonstrators, because these were the most violent.
Then Columbia University agreed to demands of Donald T. because he held the money.
@dangillmor Trump will just ask for more. He intends to make an example of Columbia University, and will not stop until he does. He wants to show that capitulation must be immediate and total or he will bring the full force of his office against you.
New PHD in bending the knee/begging.
@dangillmor here's betting they don't restore the funding anyways.