Mastodon is like everything else. A fair amount of “conversation” amounts to an invitation to argue, which we know from lots of experience, is pointless.
@davew I think we all know that you should never get in an argument with an idiot because they will just drag you down to their level and then defeat you with their experience
i have a well-rehearsed answer along those lines.
"I don't argue on social media, so good luck with that. ;-):
@davew Exactly.
@davew Decentralization is a technical solution to a fairly technical problem - centralization (which is born of a human problem of... careless greed, basically, and enables a lot of human abuse, but still).
It does allow for building a healthier environment because it avoids the context collapse, but if you think you're suddenly free from basic human failings here, think again.
That's life. It's still up to you to not be awful to a fellow human being. In fact it's more up to you than everywhere else, because you don't have any algorithms safeguarding you (or trying to - but still failing) from abomination. All you have is your admin, your moderators and your own judgement. All of which are still not perfect - nothing is - but it's still better than everything else out there.
@davew Those "invitations to argue" are why the "that's bait" from Mad Max gif became so popular.