The wife @flyingsilk and I are thinking about visiting #38c3 (first time visit).
Should I submit a talk about #DOStodon & #DOjS? Is that something people would be interested in? I'm not sure...
@dec_hl @flyingsilk Werde selbst nicht da sein (verträgt sich einfach nicht mit dem Energieverlust durch die Familienbesuche an den Feiertagen), aber: Ja, das interessiert mit Sicherheit!
@dec_hl @flyingsilk Let the content team decide...
@dec_hl Go for it!
I'll only be attending online as per usual, but I'd definitely be interested, even if it's just a lightning talk.
@dec_hl @flyingsilk Would love to, haven't been there since ca. 1986 or 1987. But I won't even make it to VCF Berlin this year, so no big chance for CCC either.
@dena sorry, we decided against it. But you can look at some older slides if you want.
and there was a talk at vcfb 2020 in German
@dec_hl that does sound like a problem x_X maybe 39c3 then :D thanks for the ~~fish~~ links!