I'm not sure I possess sufficient self-awareness to do a proper #Introduction post. Besides, I'll be dead in 20 or 30 years so it hardly seems worth the effort.
I suppose I just want you to know that I love you, but in a very non-creepy way. Kind of like how you love your cousin that you haven't seen since you were ten, but you had a lot of fun together that one time. Except a bit less because we probably haven't met yet.
What I'm saying is that I'm mostly harmless. (RIP Douglas Adams)
On a cosmic time scale our lives don't count for much.
On a human time scale our lives count for a lot.
Let us be grateful for the gift of existence.
Consider how vanishingly small the chances of being in existence are.
Shurely in order to consider we have to be in existence so there's a 100% chance.
@LisaAnn @antipode77 There's a nonzero chance that our existence is an illusion though, so I try to take it all with good humor and a grain of salt.
The real mistery.
How is it possible for anything to have existence, when physics tells us nothing is created ex nihilo nor is it possible to destroy anything..
Maybe the great sum of all existence = 0
Think about the phenomenon of vacuum energy
Here is a proven example :
2 - 2 = 0
10 + 8 = 6 + 6 +6 -> 19 + 8 - 6 - 6 - 6 = 0
But what if the answer is beyond human comprehension.
@antipode77 @djohngo @LisaAnn
Physics tells us that things are created out of nothing and things are destroyed all the time. Who told you otherwise?
@tronic @antipode77 @LisaAnn Physics is also the parable of the blind men and the elephant.
I think he has only a philosopher's understanding of physics.
While physics might be likened to a blind man describing an elephant philosophy has the elephant placed in a block of lead impregnated concrete then tries to describe it without even touching the block.
@LisaAnn @tronic @antipode77 The blind men's observations were accurate. They just lacked context. I think we're still lacking a lot of context.
Oh quite possibly, I for one don't buy the "it works" justification for qm but it's the only credible one for now
There is a certain dichotomy in physics.
On the one hand mass can be transformed into energy and energy into mass, but not destroyed.
On the other hand there are the particles arising from vacuum fluctuations. They are virtual particles and very temporary. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_particle
More food for thought here.
How the Physics of Nothing Underlies Everything
Yes but since I'm considering that it simply didn't happen.
Thought experiments are the Achilles heel of philosophy.
@djohngo Love you, too, in much the same way. Hang in there, and keep on keeping on.
@djohngo I used to say that. And for the #DouglasAdams bit, look at my site name.
@denebeim Awesome!