I guess everyone gave up on tagging politics.
Mastodon has rapidly become insufferable and it doesn’t have to be this way.
Disengage from the noise and learn to live with the fact that some people and policies suck and you have virtually no control over it.
Your screeds, no matter how well reasoned, are not ever going to reach anyone who will either have the power to act or will change minds.
You’re truly burning your own networks down by yelling toward people who already agree with you.
Spreading the latest horrible news piece that doesn’t materially affect you only gives it power.
The addictive nature of “look how awful this is” is making you sick in invisible ways. It spreads like a virus, don’t become a host for it willingly.
You can’t do that by going into a room of other infected people and screaming at the top of your lungs how much everything sucks or how unbelievable the latest bad thing is.
Make the change in real life, make art, love your family.
Joy is strength.
Have a bit of mercy on the shouters - they haven't quite gotten in step with the dancers.... yes, they're annoying
If all someone does is drag in the latest dead rodent from X or FB - spreading their bad vibes hither and yon - mute 'em. You'll save a fortune on antacids.
Breathe in. These people are angry and frustrated and sometimes the best thing is to vent. I just don't put any tags on my rants, so only my followers see them.