Question for chicken owners, out of curiosity: what do you think the ACTUAL price of a dozen eggs is from the backyard chickens?
Include: feed, enclosure/repairs, lost chickens from predators, vet visits, chicken retirement lodge, chicken sweaters and hats, etc etc? #chickens
@ai6yr There are intangible benefits beyond the eggs, of course...the gentle background noise a small flock makes is one of the most peaceful and therapeutic sounds I know of.
When my neighbors moved to Texas last year their flock went with them, and I seriously miss them.
@SandHillThicket @W6KME @ai6yr
They have quite an ordered social structure if you can sit quietly and watch them for a while.
You will not have a grasshopper problem, and you won't have to weed the garden or flower beds. Because they will destroy those with their constant scratching in the diet, looking for food.