this is not funny. The economy only does this when it is depressed
@drewtoothpaste [libertarian voice] actually, ANY regulation depresses the economy
@shiftleftist wasn't it deregulation that is more of the cause of this?
@jasonb @drewtoothpaste [increasingly agitated, fidgeting] well deregulation can't work while people are stuck in a regulated MINDSET
@shiftleftist but, again, the bank was not in a regulation mindset they had too much exposure and when the rates changed to stave off inflation they couldn't pivot.
They failed not because of any regulations but because they mismanaged their business.
Now this invites those regulations back to protect the customers.
I would also point out that people who hate bailouts and rega were calling for a bailout all over Twitter which if you can't manage your bus you shouldn't ask.
@jasonb @shiftleftist i have been tagged in this error in this discussion, just a heads up! have a good one!
@drewtoothpaste what happened now?
@drewtoothpaste hello how are you doing
@Billstands @drewtoothpaste What Is . You’re Deal
@drewtoothpaste What economy uses as anti-depressant? Lots of money?