Apple Vision Pro review: magic, until it’s not - The Verge
@nilay_patel exits Apple's Reality Distortion Field to give an excellent, reality-based review of the Vision Pro. Interesting that the looonnnggg text review is basically the script for the video review. As little patience as I have for sitting through video reviews, this one is worth it.
The bottom line in Nilay’s review:
“I don’t want to get work done in the Vision Pro. I get my work done with other people, and I’d rather be out here with them."
@dsilverman @nilay_patel Yep. That was worth it. Especially for the “listen to me” line around 27:00.
This isn’t the product for me, right now. I can see (hope) Apple working on shared workspaces/experiences, which I think will be the killer feature and it’s what he doesn’t quite get to. 2-4 people working on a project (4-way KVM switching in real time!), or sharing photos/videos will be amazing. Weight and $ are an issue too.