An email I received left me speechless. Obviously, they don't respect my creative choices. I will not 'fix' this panel under any circumstances. I once got an email to "remove the gay" stuff from the @neomojimixer .
they also argued with Christian family values.
what's wrong with those people?
@Erpel @neomojimixer @davidrevoy They really believe that their religion, and *only* their religion, entitles them to a world perfectly in sync with their idea of what their god wants. What if I were to write to them that the instagram pictures of their family could be enjoyed by so many more people if only the women would wear hijab? Would they comply?
@neomojimixer @davidrevoy @Erpel @edgeofeurope „Their god” is in their view “the creator” and created all, even gay and lesbian. How blasphemous from them to reject what “their god created”.
@tanteju5 @neomojimixer @davidrevoy @Erpel ah no, you see, Despite their god being omnipotent, and in spite of their claim to believe in only one god, there is another ominpotent god called Satan, and he created everything they do not approve of.
@Erpel @neomojimixer @davidrevoy @edgeofeurope So, their God X created something and god Y, that does not exist as there is only one god, created something as well and it is up to some of the created creatures that do not know any of the gods to differ between those created from their god and those created by the non-existing god? Absolutely reasonable if rules of logic are dismissed and rational parts of brain disappeared in a puff.
@tanteju5 the whole concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god is absurd and paradoxical on many layers.
But that is why it's "belief" and why "belief" is a virtue. You ought to believe it to be true despite the lack of plausibility. It's fundamentally not rational and therefore it's hard to reason people out of it.
I don't wish to take religion and spirituality from those who practice it purely for themselves. But successful major religions by design have built-in mechanisms through which they spread (missionaries etc.) as otherwise they would have never gotten their large following in the first place. And that by definition means trying to impose their religious values on other "non-believing" people. -Vox
@alexocado @tanteju5 @Erpel That's where I stand as well.