Wednesday night routine: while my eldest is at Brownies, I’m in a nearby pub, sipping on a pint, putting the finishing touches to my newsletter.
This next issue is a BIG one. So many good #typography links.
Can I ask a favour? This is the first issue I’m sending out on a new-ish tech stack. Would you lend me your email address for one issue to see if you like it, and to check everything works? You can always unsubscribe and I never look at unsubscribe data.
@takete Oh no!
@buttondown, are you able to let Nicklas through, please?
@elliotjaystocks @takete of course! nicklas, mind DMing me your email address?
@buttondown And it’s customer support like this that makes me never, ever want to leave Buttondown. Thank you, sir! /cc @takete