My partner has lots of striped socks. Some with different coloured stripes, some with narrow stripes, some with wide stripes and some just slightly different. I hate them. It takes ages to find a pair. We're moving house this week. He doesn't know it, but I've binned the lot.
@fesshole I shouldn’t be shocked at how awful people are to their partners, but I am.
@fesshole I feel like someone who makes the choice to regularly wear striped socks is doing it very intentionally and something like this is kind of like tossing all your partner's t-shirts (including ratty old band shirts, etc) because you don't think they should wear short sleeves.
Toxic AF.
@fesshole There is no division of labour in any relationship where a partner should be responsible for their partners' socks. Everyone should deal with their own socks and nobody should be allowed to interfere with the socks their partner wears. Same goes for underwear.
@BetsyBeeee @fesshole Dafuq? Whoever folds the laundry does all clothes. It makes no sense to skip just the socks and/or underwear.
@BetsyBeeee @Odanaos @fesshole I do most of the laundry including folding and separating what is whose etc but my wife enjoys mixing the socks she pairs and those she deliberately mismatches, so her socks are placed on top of the drawer for her to sort and put away... what's the issue?? Ditto how she puts what tops in what drawer etc... neat folded pile of clean stuff on top for her to sort.
@BetsyBeeee @fesshole It makes no sense. Why should I separate my clothes from the rest? Whoever does the folding, folds all the clothes. Otherwise you're just passing work around.
@Odanaos @BetsyBeeee @fesshole after years of doing the laundry for the entire family I'm considering getting my personal laundry bin and telling the wife and kid "you're on your own now". Maybe then they'll learn.
@fesshole I can’t help you if you just dig clothes out of the clean hamper all week, but otherwise when you fold laundry, you set the socks aside, pair them up at the end, and stick them in the drawer paired, it’s pretty quick
@fesshole I stopped wearing matching socks a long time ago. Such freedom.
@fesshole Pair them when they go into the laundry basket, hang them next to each other on the line, pair them when you take them off the line. Easy.
@fesshole He may have bought them because he loves them?