@ryanhoulihan why would someone be against you having healthcare?
For those for whom sadism and cruelty is the point, they will impoverished themselves, and deny themselves healthcare, just so long as those they hate suffer more
@benroyce @filmfreak75 @ryanhoulihan
That is unfortunately the principle tenet of 'sadopopulism'
@filmfreak75 @ryanhoulihan It's the USA, probably
@filmfreak75 @ryanhoulihan some who won't think "out of the box" seem to be wowed just by hearing pronouns do exist
others intro themself to highlight
& people put it inbetween lines if listeners do listen to notice how one prefers
but: I heard bunch of things what one sees as binary, if even 'enby' sounds unknown to many, how to argument with newcomers of genders, identity 'n valuing respect?
@sven_md @ryanhoulihan i no longer understand "asshole" so this sort of thing is always so foreign to me
people just need to get a grip an mind their own damn lives