Them: Nobody wants to work anymore.
Me: For *you*. Nobody wants to work for *you* anymore.
Me: I don’t want to work, anymore or for anyone.
@caspercdn living the dream
@flargh we would also have accepted "nobody wants to work for chump change." Good answer, you maintain control of the board.
"Bernie Marcus says "nobody wants to work anymore".
What he really means is nobody wants to work multiple low wage jobs with no benefits, terrible working conditions, and no job security."
That's what Bernie Marcus is funding Trump for, the right to make folks work for starvation level wages.
When Marcus talks about "socialism" he means unions.
When he talks about "woke", he means paying POC the same as ...
... poor whites, and paying women the same low wages as men.
@jemmesedi @Npars01 Home Depot has had unacceptable management political philosophy for far too long. Unfortunately they’ve not suffered enough consequences. Partially due to brand exclusivity among box stores. Oligopoly control hurts employees & consumers.
Unfortunately there are many more - Amazon, etc
Free Markets are not Fair Markets without regulation.
@Wrap02 @jemmesedi @Npars01 that last line re markets - that's important
@Npars01 Definitely #BoycottHomeDepot unless you wish to support a #MagaManiac
@Npars01 Next, he'll be talking about how "uppity" those workers have been getting....
Take a look at the interesting image he posted here:
The "nobody wants to work" cliche has been a favorite narrative of the wealthy for a long time.
What is interesting is that the wealthy claim to be in favor of free markets everywhere but not for free markets for labor?
People are choosing NOT to work these low wage, hazardous jobs for a reason.
And the reason isn't laziness or an aversion to work.
@flargh Them: but we control all means of production, that was the point....oops, did we said it loud?