Can a $3,500 headset replace your TV? We tried Vision Pro to find out
We kick off our a multi-part Vision Pro review by testing it for entertainment.
@arstechnica No... Imagine people huddling around in the living room wearing one of these things to watch TV together. Yeah. Not gonna happen. At least I don't think so.
@freevolt24 @arstechnica No one "huddles" around the living room anymore.
@KellicTiger @arstechnica I think occasional huddling around still counts. Would you offer your Apple gear to your friends visiting your apartment?
@freevolt24 @arstechnica like…you understand sometimes people just want to watch shit on their own?
Why not a big ass TV for taking a shit, or riding a bus, in a plane, between classes? Whenever you want?
@Sonikku @arstechnica Actually using it on a plane sounds promising to me, but I'll pass if it costs $3500 because I'm not that affluent... Btw, aren't they something you could already do with a regular VR headset?