From now on, I am calling my dietary preferences "flight training."
@geekmomprojects Does it smell like a bunch of french fries with sugar?
@adamsdesk i.e. the inside of my car...
@geekmomprojects I read that as "filled with". Take from that what you will.
@geekmomprojects So first the airlines are weighing overweight passengers and now they feed their planes fat and sugar? Make up your minds, skylords!
@geekmomprojects sweeeeeet!
@bitprophet What're the emissions like though? Sustainably produced fuel is not necessarily sustainably used fuel.
@mpirnat No idea, I just thought the joke was funny
@bitprophet I don’t disagree.
@geekmomprojects Oh great, yet another excuse to keep on killing "You all need to die, I have to be in New York by end-of-day"...
@geekmomprojects So maybe the day is coming when we can pay for our flights with a pound of flesh?