Glad to see #Ansible community building a forum. Apparently Matrix/IRC connections broke, and I never got into Matrix, so it's nice to have an asynchronous communication route.
I love forums, maybe the best thing the death of IRC + Twitter brings back?
@geerlingguy how did it break?
either way, forums are better for having organized, searchable history is the take from Libera, has some posts on it too. Messy business.
Can't disagree on having proper project archives, though
In many ways Usenet was a best asynchronous messaging system
IRC cannot die
@jherazob dying then... I still wish it weren't
Nope! The world will be in flames, bands of mutants roaming the wastelands, the biosphere almost collapsed, robot armies led by a ChatGPT descendant hunting humans, and there will still be people on IRC sharing places to forage for still not expired food
@jherazob hehe true. And some Hams rag chewing
@geerlingguy definitely agree forums, much prefer forums to other online communications, especially for support and questions
@geerlingguy IRC is not dead :p
@geerlingguy i absolutely adore forums. Bring back forums!! I was a mod on a few. The original Discord mods
@geerlingguy I expect I am in the minority but I would prefer to take discussions to news://*
@geerlingguy I like forums too. Curious to see this one being created as Red Hat recently killed the Keycloak one as one channel too many:
@geerlingguy I'd rather see NNTP/Usenet, IRC, and mailing lists make a comeback. :-)
@geerlingguy Ah is this a discourse instance? Nice