Thinking of embarrassing myself in new and inventive modalities because I think it would be fun to try to explain my papers in youtube videos now
I cannot emphasize enough how strange it is to basically be an extremely specialized nerd who has to spend many hours in deep work alone but who also realized that publicly communicating was absolutely key to sharing and protecting everything we love
@grimalkina hah yepppppppp
@grimalkina I'm in this toot
@pascoda ours is a very specific calling/gift/disaster to face
@grimalkina well said.
@grimalkina I would love thatnso much! I learn better when someone knowledgeable explains something "face to face". The emphasis, pacing, facial cues really help me hone in on what is important and when a human is talking to me my mind has a much easier time not drifting away. Yay, I really hope you do so!
If it's not too much trouble maybe also upload to Peertube? I can recommend @MakerTube as a great place.
@shom @MakerTube oh cool, will do! I've never heard of this and also I appreciate your being positive and encouraging with this suggestion :)
@grimalkina yay! I appreciate your generous and empathetic spirit and teaching us stuff.
If you have any questions with Peertube I'm sure many folks here can help. I just went through making an account recently and happy to share. One thing that might be good to know: you get an account and you can have many channels under it. I recommend calling your default channel your account name and subject matter channel `account_channel` so you end up with an URL like
@grimalkina Haha I'd love to watch them with my partner :)
@grimalkina The amount of times I’ve thought about this is soooo many