Has anyone noticed a slowdown in the initial buffering of YouTube videos in the last week? There has been a noticeable increase in the time it takes for videos to start on my Apple TV in the YouTube app. It’s still only a few seconds, but before it was basically instant.
Speedtest app on Apple TV shows fast ping (16ms) and download speeds (500+ Mbps). Virgin Media status check shows no issues.
Has YouTube made a change to the servers or app? Or switched to a different CDN?
@ianRobinson Yes, and it's provably on the front end, because I can start yt-dlp and it immediately starts pulling. Video waits a bit, then pre-roll ad is killed by Stopthemadness, then maybe 15-30s in it starts.
@mdhughes I don’t see adds as I pay for Premium. Something has definitely changed very recently. About a week ago.
@mdhughes The delay I’m seeing is only a few seconds. Before was instant start.