New series of publications by Dr. Begoña Bellés Fortuño & Adrián Pla Ángel (@adrianplaangel), members of IULMA - UJI:
1) Bellés-Fortuño, B. & Pla-Ángel, A. (2024). Mediatic cases on hate speech: Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp on Twitter. Discourse, Gender, and Violence: Insights from News and Social Media Texts. Lausanne (Suiza). Ed. Peter Lang. 2024. ISBN 9783034347013.
2) Bellés-Fortuño, B. & Pla-Ángel, A. (2024). Implementing Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Artificial Intelligence at a higher education level in an Engineering ESP course. In Buzón García, Olga, Romero García, Carmen (2024). Aprendizaje 4.0: inteligencia artificial, redes sociales y rol docente en la era digital. pp 736-757. Dykinson.
3) Pla-Ángel, A. (2024). Utilising Artificial Intelligence to Bolster and Refine the Production of Formal Letters in English Tailored for Students of Mechanical Engineering. PÓŁROCZNIK JĘZYKOZNAWCZY TERTIUM = TERTIUM LINGUISTIC JOURNAL. Num. 1. Vol. 9. pp. 250-273. 2024.