Sounds like there will be more Vision Pro apps on day one than iPhone apps on day one.
@jamesthomson well that's easy
@Lampa I’m actually surprised!
@jamesthomson @Lampa
There were no third party apps for iPhone on day one, or for quite some time after that. The App Store was launched with the release of the iPhone 3G in July 2008, a year after the initial iPhone was released.
@jamesthomson @Lampa
I just realised who I was replying to. So embarrassed.
Pretty cool app too. :)
@jamesthomson The iPhone didn't have third-party apps until much later.
@PeterR Day one of the App Store, obviously!
You know, because there wasn’t even an App Store, and Apple had built all the apps.
I will admit and concede, seeing the poster, that that original irony was indeed intended. The mansplainer reflex is still strong.
Anyway, gotta run, so many more jokes to explain.
@Chancerubbage @WarnerCrocker I meant day one of the App Store, obviously - I was there.
@jamesthomson hi James. Has anyone point out to you that there weren’t any apps… oh
@jamesthomson I mean hard to have less than zero
@jamesthomson Despite the ambiguous phrasing, I was already fairly certain you meant the App Store launch, not the iPhone launch.
@jamesthomson imagine a new platform launching in the 80s or 90s with 600 programs available on day one. It would have blown our minds