One of those days when you look at a newspaper and think “how much news have I missed?”. 5GB for 5 pounds? Truly the end is nigh.
@jamesthomson Any day that ends in “y"
@jamesthomson I see the UK Metro, just like iCloud, has a low-tier 5 GB plan.
@Eggfreckles @jamesthomson I got a little curious—looks like Smarty is a prepaid flanker brand owned by Three UK—pricing looks pretty good when one considers the US exchange rate! (5GB for £5/$6.70, 40GB for £10/$13.10, Unlimited for £20/$26.81)
@ecschwarz @jamesthomson in the UK:
@ecschwarz @Eggfreckles @jamesthomson Yes, we have proper competition and regulation here, so mobile data is not the corporate abusive gougefest you have in the US
@davidbcohen @ecschwarz @jamesthomson it's just a shame you pay so much for overseas electronics.
@Eggfreckles @ecschwarz @jamesthomson 20% VAT (sales tax) is what does it - the currency conversions only add up to marginal increases.
But over a 2-3 year mobile plan I reckon we probably still come out far ahead on whole life cost. Those revenue costs’ll kill ya!
@davidbcohen @Eggfreckles Not to go full US-vs.-EU-vs.-UK like some folks do (since that seems to be the popular trope), but the amount of area that is covered and maintained does change the equation a bit.
I don’t particularly like any of the telcos here these days, but there’s quite a few unlimited single-line plans at a $25-$40USD price point and plenty of <$20 capped plans. Most people just get lulled into postpaid for phone financing.
At least we’re not like Canada’s telco landscape…yet?
@jamesthomson I guess the Metro is no longer courting the zombie demographic.
@jamesthomson *insert witty Brexit reference here*
Seriously though, what is this *really* about???
"ninja swords" is a very grandpa way of calling a katana.
@jamesthomson Nothing to worry about. But we have Zombies now
@jamesthomson I saw this just earlier on the tube and was wondering which period of London did I travel to?!
@jamesthomson that would be very this Labour. Actual zombie outbreak. “We’ve inherited the worst ever set of circumstances from a prior government and there are no easy fixes. But we pledge to halve the amount of zombie-related deaths over the next ten years.”
@jamesthomson The fear of zombies is incredibly high!