I repeat: Chris Licht is vying to be the second most dangerous influence from media on democracy under Rupert Murdoch. CNN is borked.
@jeffjarvis have activist investors ever reigned in bad managers like Licht?
@jeffjarvis and as Keith Olbermann frequently says, they all thought he used to eat paste when he was at MSNBC
@jeffjarvis Rupert hates America. Why? I certainly don’t know. He bought his citizenship here (don’t know who he bribed), yet has done what he can to denigrate, and attack the customs and culture of the US. Perhaps just an evil person.
@jeffjarvis @soc_i_ety The right is metastasizing.
@jeffjarvis CNN continues to refer to the rally at a ‘Town Hall’, but political Town Halls have never been packed with supporters and sycophants. Mislabeling and misleading the public is called propaganda.