#Introduction you say? Greetings! I am Jeremy, an #ADHDCreative that does #TTRPGDesign as a self-publisher and as a freelancer. I have done work for Kobold Press, Paizo, Onyx Path, Wyvern Gaming, and other individuals.
I also stream TTRPG actual plays on Twitch, and have been a guest on others streams as well!
I am in school for a degree in #Psychology. Prior to this, I was a photographer for 14 years.
I am a married dad to a staffie, who loves to nibble my ears, and is a wonderful doghter!
@jerhoc Your hat is so perfect!
@Markhamcorrect Thank you! I saw it and knew I needed one.
@jerhoc I want one too but I look ridiculous in hats I think it might be worth it though
@Markhamcorrect I think the same about myself, but it keeps my head warm and is cuter than my face, so I accept the ridiculousness. LOL
@jerhoc OMG, there's a hoodie!! I'm safe with hoodies! Thank you
@Markhamcorrect Huzzah!!