I apparently had a lot to say on this topic!
The Gamification of Fountain Pen Collecting https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/the-gamification-of-fountain-pen-collecting/
@jezlyn very well written and very true. I find the constant stream of "Limited Editions" very tiring. i'm still relatively quite new into fountain pens (got my first one in 2023). I think this is ultimately part of the end-stage capitalism world we live in. If a company does as well this year that they did last year, they're considered a failure. That's driving a lot of the same sales tactics and push for overconsumption in many industries.
@jezlyn I know this isn't a unique thought around these parts, but browsing /r/fountainpens really is just a waste. Everyone posts their new pens (and hey, new pens are fun), but that gives the impression that EVERYONE is constantly buying new pens. You then also get the posts of "look at my 100 TWSBI Ecos in a rainbow". Do you really need to matchy matchy that badly? How do you use all those pens?
@timelordiroh Yeah, it's why I've stopped reading that subreddit and have stopped watching too many YT videos from FP people because it is a lot of NPD and hauls and all that and it makes me envious. It sucks because I liked watching and reading that stuff, but it's hard enough keeping spending in check. :sigh:
@jezlyn @timelordiroh I only read r/fountainpens when I specifically search for topics I am interested in (reviews, repair). My acquisition has tapered down through the years after realizing there is not much I really want after experiencing the pens I already do have, unless it is a specific thing I am interested in. Hahaha, at the Manila Pen Show I got an inexpensive *rollerball* that uses fountain pen ink, because that was what I needed. But it was purple!
@pixiecata @timelordiroh Nice! What brand of rollerball did you get?
@jezlyn @timelordiroh Kakimori Frost Violet rollerball :) 0.5mm nib, writes very nicely, comes with a converter, which I filled with a syringe.
@pixiecata @timelordiroh Hehe, I wondered if that was it. I have the same one. It was what started my whole path down finding a bunch of FP ink-using rollerball pens. That's my next (maybe) big article.
@jezlyn @timelordiroh I have four ultra cheap Lamy-lookalike Chinese rollerballs that take fountain pen ink too, and I love them. They were about USD 0.50 each. But I got the Kakimori for when I dress up and need to use in a more business setting.
@pixiecata @timelordiroh Oh, are these piston-fillers? I just bought two from Amazon that are piston-fillers and have 0.38 tips. The caps look like Lamy Safari, but the body looks like a TWSBI, even down to the gap that stops the piston from extending all the way to the feed.
@pixiecata @timelordiroh It's a weird brand name on Amazon: SHINEOFI
@jezlyn @timelordiroh Mine are converter! I have them in 0.5mm too.