Every time I log into Fedi, I see another post with a guide called something like "Activist's Guide to Smartphones" or "Phone Security Guide for Protesters," and every single one of these assumes that the threat model is the kind of police force that exists under liberal democracy where the law will afford significant protections to protesters. The world is changing, and these guides not only fail to address the threat of an actively hostile fascistic anti-democratic occupying force (I refer here to the police), but such guides generally are limited to "what" and "how" but miss the more critical "why."
If you believe that you are facing fascism (or even something close to it), can I please please please convince you to read something written by anarchists who have faced serious repression and are trying to convey just how much phones can lead to the imprisonment of you and your friends for even things that are allegedly "legal."
@hakan_geijer Buy a road atlas to travel to demonstrations instead of using your phone to navigate.
@jhavok Many modern cars have mobile capabilities, and automatic license plate readers capture and incredible amount of data.
@hakan_geijer @jhavok its possible even here in Europe for a *civillian* to get an effective ANPR reader for their mobile phone which sends the registration marks up to the cloud for later use (via an API).
Its main use case is for car park attendants and garage workers, but I literally only had to "pinky swear" I would obey GDPR to get it, and at close range it works as well as the ones the Police have (I tried it on my own car and some fleet cars at work)