If someone describes you as 'conventionally attractive', is that damning with faint praise? Is it even accurate, given that I've got dyed black hair, tattoos and a nose ring?
@jillyhorrorshow sounds like they’re trying not to blurt out that they find you hot AF!
@jillyhorrorshow it might do, yeah! Depends on how well they know you and if just saying ‘I proper fancy you’ is crossing a line.
@SpenPErotica This was a first 'date' of sorts where fucking was potentially an option.
@jillyhorrorshow then I’m doubling down on my guess that they fancy you!
@SpenPErotica Well I don't wanna be considered conventional.
@jillyhorrorshow totally fair enough. Hopefully it was just a clumsy turn of phrase.
It does feel kinda backhanded, doesn't it?