Hello @johnmu, first off all have a great friday. Actually I have product based website where my code to text ratio is 10 to 15%. As per the recommendation it need to be between 25 - 70%.
So If my site code to text rato is less than that defined parameter. Is it affect anyhow my website SEO and performance.
@shashiranjan Google doesn't use any code to text ratio when it comes to #SEO. There's no number or number range you should be aiming for.
(From a technical point of view, a metric like that makes no sense. Users never see your #HTML or #JavaScript, they only see the page as it shows up in a browser. I can't imagine any search engine ever having used that. I'd be cautious about the rest of the content on a SEO site that gives guidance like that.)
@johnmu noted John. Thanks for quick reply.