@johnmu Google's SEO pages should include more about URL contents and the effect on ranking. Web developers are constantly sent researching nonsensical stuff about URLs and ranking.
- Does keywords in URL matter in the ranking?
- What if the same keyword appears in multiple URLs?
- What if all my pages have just ID, no keywords in URLs?
I understand the accessibility standpoint of view, as a dev, I'd like to have a clean structure with unique words for each page, but I got no authority.
@Ciantic tldr: keywords in URLs are not irrelevant but always overrated. If you're setting up a new site, using basic keywords in URLs is great. If you have an existing site, I don't think redesigning to add keywords is worth it. And that's just for one language. If it's international, it's often impossible to always do anyway. (We've talked about this often, it's just not relevant enough to make an official page saying that, lots of things are good practices but not critical.)