I have 99 problems , all of them are from Google
@heysannidhi Oh boy. Or perhaps, a lot of opportunities.
Sure, I get your point. I feel and said same, openly, when the SEOs complained about hits from updates; it was sites' fault. If you look at my profile here and on Twitter, I praised Google where due, genuinely. Few instances:
1. https://twitter.com/HeySannidhi/status/1712003438819909745
2. https://twitter.com/HeySannidhi/status/1466933978724667393
3. https://twitter.com/HeySannidhi/status/1464040127785701385
4. https://twitter.com/HeySannidhi/status/1692429685643415783.
But, of late, the results are really disappointing John. Not just from me, issues are being reported from many other SEOs, even from the best in the industry. There must be a point, especially, if the issues are being reported by even world class SEOs.
@heysannidhi @johnmu "But, of late, the results are really disappointing John."
I agree, especially with the Featured Snippets. It's like the algorithms say, "Hey, we found the answer in this online discussion but we're not going to share it with you - we're just to show you some random text from the discussion."
It's happened a lot over the past few months. I have submitted many feedback reports but I suspect it will take years at this rate for my feedback to have any impact on what the nutty algorithms are doing.