Well that's all going according to plan. Ship it. (This keeps happening. It's not just Steve. Hi Steve.)
@jwz OHA ... I am so sorry!
@jwz he really wants that follow back
@vitriolix He says he only clicked once. This is the third time I've gotten a swarm like this in the last few days, but it doesn't happen with every new follow.
@jwz I wonder if you click one they all vanish if you refresh
@jwz Steve you
@jwz I Steve
@jwz Oops, sorry, I think I did this too, but I have only myself and my shitty script for porting my followings to blame.
@jwz something in Mastodon isn’t just idempotent, it’s multipotent! Much better.
@jwz That’s not supposed to happen. We might have a fix on Monday.