When you order literally anything online, they insist on a phone number for shipping. What number do you give them?
@jwz Is this (giving a fake number) some kind of USA thing? How else is the courier supposed to contact you?
@Razemix Why the *fuck* would they call me?? Why the *fuck* would I answer??? You people are animals.
@jwz @Razemix Here they call to make sure you can receive the package. If you don't answer (or answer but say you're not available), they'll drop the package off at a relay or try to deliver another day.
This is also useful when they can't find your address, so you can guide them to avoid dropping it off at a relay or sending it straight back to sender...
@jwz @Razemix Google Maps gives bonkers driving directions to where I live (no, you can't drive over the football pitch and onto the bicycle path), so couriers keep calling with "I'm here at the school, where to now?" and I have to tell them to drive back to the road they started from, and around a couple of blocks and actually look at the roadsigns...