I'm going to take another crack at an #introduction.
I'm a nerd from #Thanet #Kent #UK. I'm okay telling you this because at this stage the entire Internet knows.
I run a bunch of #websites which I talk about a lot.
Interested in connecting with #PHP & #WordPress devs, people into #Storytelling, other #bloggers, and any weirdos who may think my writing is actually funny.
If I'm not writing, coding, or watching nerdy TV, then I am probably asleep.
#Mastodon is now my primary #SocialMedia
@lordmatt what kind of nerdy TV do you watch?
@cmconseils Right now, I am working my way through #Bleach but I'm just as happy with #StarWars, #StarTrek, and, indeed, #StarGate. I'm waiting for season two of The Legend of Vox Machina
If it has magic, parallel worlds, over-the-top combat, time travel, spaceships, or anything like that, I am usually there for it.
@lordmatt oh ok! You should watch His Dark Materials (season 3 just started), I also liked a lot "For All Mankind", both series have parallel world or spaceships !
@cmconseils From a quick Google, they both look amazing. Do you know which streaming platform they are available on?
@lordmatt It depends on your country, for All Mankind is on Apple+, His Dark Materials BBC One if you're in the UK
(I'm in France so I take the road)
@cmconseils Ah yes, the shh-shh-shh streaming service.
@lordmatt (I have some good links if needed!)
@cmconseils links are good
@lordmatt crazy how much php is used
@helix2301 Oh yeah. #PHP has been my main jam for quite some time.
We have $_COOKIEs.
There once was a Lord from Kent
Who arrived just as he went
Between coming and going
Telling and showing
His energies were fairly well spent