@louisa_ Lovely picture.
@louisa_ very peaceful and beautiful photo!
@louisa_ what happens when it unites with a charm cat?
@schreibmax haha, yes, that is the reason for her name!
Our previous pride of cats were named after chemical elements so we were exploring different schema for her cohort. We ended up picking different names for her siblings but Strange suited her - she's the only non-black cat we've ever had and she is a weird lady, always making us laugh with her odd sitting positions
She is the cat who walks by herself and all places are alike to her
@louisa_ nice view
Lovely country and beautiful cat. So much green, who could wish for more?
@louisa_ This is so beautiful. Where is this?
@raynedanser near where we live in Yorkshire in the UK. My camera roll is always full of sunsets behind that hill at this time of year
@louisa_ As it should be, it's lovely! If the world hasn't blown up by then, especially the US, my DIL and I are visiting Wales and Scotland in September (I suppose England too, since we'll need to go through it to get to Scotland). I am so very much looking forward to the escape of it all.
@raynedanser escaping to Scotland or Wales is one of my favourite things to do too! We try for a minimum of a long week (9 days ish) and a short (4 day) break in Scotland each year, and at least a couple of weekends in Wales. Whereabouts will you be?
And the world/US lasts until at least then!