I, as an almost-beginner with a 8gb RAM i5 laptop, am looking for a suitable #Linux distribution that has:
1.a big database of apps/games
3.good support
I don't need:
1.many updates a year
#linuxmint ? #mx18 ? Why ? Others ?
@markusviktorius Debian or Arch, depends if you fast or slow. Debian has a huge repo and Arch has AUR
@hitime thanks for your reply. What are the pros of these distros for a beginner? Do they run on all laptops like MX18 does?
@markusviktorius they do, so Arch is going to be your cutting edge and Debian is stable but usually the software is a few iterations behind. I would say most distros are actually based off Debian (ubuntu, elementary, mx I believe is, etc...) and there are some from Arch as well (Manjaro, Endevor, etc...).... Ubuntu and Manjaro are good entry points with strong communities, when you want more flexibility after get use to the basics then I would look at Debian and Arch. Look on distrowatch.com
@hitime thank you for your input! What do you run yourself?
@markusviktorius here is an article on distros to start with as well https://www.fosslinux.com/18230/6-best-linux-distros-for-beginners.htm
follow Tux Machines @tuxmachines
I saw the article linked off there
@hitime @tuxmachines thanks, i have read them all have also looked at all YT-videos
just wanted some direct input from real life users.