Here's my #Shortcuts Feedback thread for iOS 18:
FB13951570 (Shortcuts for Mac crashes when reordering more than one folder)
FB13951639 (Replace Text, then Change Case is creating bug where text isn't passed as output)
This affects my ability to cleanly generate filenames for my assets
FB13987002 (Add App Intents support to Final Cut Camera)
FB14098791 (Using "Get Link to File" twice will cause a shortcut to crash)
This is part of my core Shortcuts logging workflow – really hope this gets resolved in a beta soon because I can't publish my shortcuts from these devices until then.
(Yes I have a non-beta device, but the icon colors changed!)
FB14099429 (Masking a Shortcut icon with the new blue background causes it to get washed out)
For some reason, the new blue background added to Shortcuts causes an issue when masking with the icon shape and it corrupts the PNG, resulting in a washed-out and non-transparent image.
This is another one that only I will ever run into, but it's a weird bug that I'll *always* run into now.
I won't be able to share any Blue shortcuts
FB14788586 (Comment action cannot be moved until text field is dismissed)