“I fear that SwiftUI is suffering from a second system effect, much like its parent Swift itself did.
The second-system effect or second-system syndrome is the tendency of small, elegant, and successful systems to be succeeded byover-engineered, bloated systems, due to inflated expectations and overconfidence.”
@andreabusi @fodwyer I cannot make any comments about the SwiftUI aspect of this, but the concurrency-related snippet contains an isolation problem and a pretty glaring race.
@mattiem interesting - what is the fix then?
but also i think they have a point in that if the stuff is this easy to get wrong and if even fairly savvy people easily make such mistakes then is this stuff really helping? @andreabusi
@fodwyer @andreabusi It’s easy to get wrong *with complete checking disabled*. It is harder, but still absolutely possible, to introduce races without. But that was true for callback based code too.
And if you convert this example to callbacks, it will continue to work exhibit the race.