@danjac Wishful thinking on his part: if you can't redefine the product as something it isn't, redefine the customer.
@cstross @danjac@masto.ai This moving of goalposts is the real innovation—if AGI or the Singularity really are just around the corner, the breakthrough that will bring them about is convincing the public that “AGI” and “the Singularity” mean something else.
@maxleibman @danjac The Singularity (at this point, in common parlance) is just warmed-over Christian apocalyptic bullshit.
@cstross @danjac@masto.ai Hard agree. I put the simulation hypothesis in the same category. Genesis, Revelations, Heaven and Hell, but repackaged for pseudo-intellectual geeks.
@cstross @maxleibman @danjac@masto.ai Maybe that is why the tech industry is filled with UFO believers?
@maxleibman @cstross @danjac The goal posts are approaching speed of light limits.