"Why are banks not under control in Europe? Because governments want and need credit." "We need to do our basic jobs before we start working on the next dream". Luis Garicano, London School of Economics
I hadnt known the Net Zero Industry Act ... part of the New Green Deal
"There is a major chance that during the Trump administration we will see a huge business crash. Capital is desperate to move out of the US market, so Europe has yet to present a big cohesive opportunity. Capital wants to go to Europe"
(Rana Foroohar, Financial Times, https://www.ranaforoohar.com/)
Katherine Tai: about the US: "Sadly, we did not go silent into that dark night..."
Rana: "One of the reasons we have Trump Part II is that we have the disruption for 8-12 % of workers being neglected" (about industrial strategy)
"US Tech has 6 Milliion employes. European Tech has 30 million." - we have to get rid of our worng assumptions about European industry (Sander Tordoir)
Rana: "This is a war. We are in the middle of the climate war."
Katherine Tai: "It does not matter if it's my giant or your giant. US corp oder EU corp, it does not matter. Corporations are the problem." Corps dominating policy and manipulating currency and economics are the problem. Decentralization is the only thing that helps. And there's a book called "democracy vs. domination" that I have to look up.
Simon Johnon (MIT): "If Europe pushes the needle on energy consumption and efficiency, they can hit the US hard."
Rana: "#energyalliances... California fighting back, blue states fighting back already."
Heather Boushey: "FTC is using models based on dreams... we need to rethink how we define economic trade-offs."