#science #BlackHole #simulation #JeanPierreLuminet #c1960 #c1978
The first simulated image of a black hole was calculated with an IBM 7040 computer using 1960 punch cards and hand-plotted by French astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Luminet in 1978.
@mintyfresh I was 6 years old. Wild.
@TheJen I wish to be any years younger than I am now. Lol
@mintyfresh @aprilfollies you're telling me we knew what blackholes looked like back in 1978 but it took until Interstellar for the first realistic depiction to show up on screen??? ugh.
@beka_valentine @mintyfresh I suspect Disney (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Hole_(1979_film) was probably not overly concerned with scientific realism…
@aprilfollies @mintyfresh sure but there's been COUNTLESS other depictions
@beka_valentine @mintyfresh Oh yeah, that’s just my favorite movie to hate on.
@mintyfresh Obra Dinn
@mintyfresh I think we forget just how much was achieved long before Intel architecture :-)
@mintyfresh what a beauty!