#BlackMastodon: What do you tell a Black person thinking of signing up here? (Assume it's someone you like)
Seeing a lot of white people confused by the question. To be clear, I'm not gonna tell anyone you can't respond, but this question was intended for BIPOC folks.
@misc We need you.
@misc I'd tell them it's their account, and no one else's. And there are no legal obligations to use content warnings or alt text, except as a courtesy.
There are also people here who think they are able to police others. Beyond T&Cs, they are not.
@alexanderhay @misc That said there are some informal behavioral precedents
@CoolerPseudonym @misc Precedent is like a verbal contract, or a gentleman's agreement.
@alexanderhay @misc An informal norm?
@CoolerPseudonym @misc Or a normal informal, if you will.
@misc welcome !
@misc Just had this come up and I still struggle to just welcome people aboard. I let them know it's dry here, can be hostile, wyt people are gunna say some ignorant things thinking they're being "helpful," and all us Black folk are kinda in these disconnected spaces from one another.
@misc It's like every other social media site. Find some people you can work with and roll with them. Don't forget to use block and mute. It's all the same. Follow hashtags. Levels of engagement is generally higher and usually, but not always of a better quality. above all, it's the internet. Act accordingly.
??? Uhm..."Welcome " comes to mind. Not sure how to answer this any other way.
@misc This was definitely a problem last November when many of us joined. Sometimes when speaking only to BIPOC folks I will ask allies not to respond. People don't seem to get offended by that.
@fulanigirl Yeah, I thought of doing that, but I figured the other responses could be instructive too, in their own way.