Is it even possible to have an organization like Mozilla or Automattic that won’t let us all down?
And increasingly, no, I don't think so. is this about the rumored Automattic deal with Midjourney or about Matt's transphobia-filled sabbatical? In any case, apparently not.
@jdp23 Jeez, I hadn’t even heard about the first one. fuckin hell
@misc Only if its community funded and not reliant on big donations
I sometimes find it helpful to think about organizations like this not as being pillars or foundations but rather as being like the fruiting body of a mycelium: briefly glorious, quickly rotting, to be reformed again elsewhere when conditions are good.
@inthehands That's actually ... very hopeful. Because I think the fedi (or the broader cause of collectivizing social platforms) needs an org, or orgs, like this now.
Love that metaphor