@nixCraft That escalated ridiculously quickly.
DROP prod_userdata;
@nixCraft can't you just touch an unisolated powercord? that's less painful
@nixCraft it will wake you up and make you want to crawl under a sheet at the same time.
@nixCraft I remember when a deleted VM image kept me awake for 4 days in a row, trying to restore from broken backups
I've heard Little Bobby Tables does it regularly.
@nixCraft I felt my blood pressure jump just reading this!
@nixCraft a friend of mine was developing a plugin for binary data compression for a DB. I can't recall which SQL flavour. Anyway, he tested it on the wrong server. Fortunately the compressor worked very well and achieved a stunning compression ratio. The DB was now 0 bytes sized. It was all OK in the end. Kind of. They had week old tape backups and he never touched compression algorithms again. Ever.
@nixCraft can confirm that has waken me up before.
@nixCraft Ayup, that’ll wake up quite a few people.
@nixCraft Want to stay up late too? Delete the prod database.
@nixCraft don’t threaten me with a “good” time
@nixCraft no thanks.
I did disaser recover shit once.
@nixCraft I love the smell of unrecoverable data in the morning …
@nixCraft yup! Or the CLI equivalent disaster: rm -rf * once kept me up all night recovering data from backup.
@ami Yikes! And do that while having no backup or BCDR plan in place
@nixCraft does it spark joy?
@nixCraft if you want to check your sysadmin’s heart health, you can add this to root’s .bashrc:
alias rm=“sleep 10;rm”
@nixCraft, enough to change a parameter in a random value