Poll: Are your non-tech friends and family members using #ChatGPT instead of search engines? Please boost for reach.
@nixCraft they haven't even heard of chatGPT yet and wouldn't know how to access it
@nixCraft instead of? no. in addition to? sometimes, yes.
myself I use various such tools a lot, they're quite handy if you know how to use them well, but they come with obvious caveats of course; it's not a substitute for knowledge or a brain.
You'll see them appear in every tool online soon so you don't actually have to go to chatgpt/bard/etc anymore, it'll just be right there when you search, when you write emails, when you have to whip up some slides, etc. But you can still do that ofc. :)
They phone me if they want something googled.
Some people in my class use chatGPT, not completely replacing search engines but they certainly use it occasionally
@nixCraft Yes, some of them but certainly not all and also not for everything.
@nixCraft I would need some more options. For me the answer would be 'Some, but most do not’
@nixCraft my friend is an IT student and he use ChatGPT when encounter the slightest inconveniences, almost replacing search engines. A good number of my classmates are.