There is a repo for the stickers some folks have too much time on their hands You get that on AliExpress?
@nixCraft GitHub if it was good:
@nixCraft the gopher crab seems to be scared by the JavaScript cup.
@nixCraft Gonna print one!
@nixCraft don't do that it's illegal
@nixCraft The javascript using the Java logo is going to refuel that old bit all over again. Why can't they let it die!
I like it, and I want it
@nixCraft It's completely wrong
@mkennedy @brianokken we need these kind of cursed stickers, but for python-related projects (other than pip)!
@nixCraft I like the Rust/Go mashup. Rusty Gopher? Crabby Gopher?
@nixCraft I don't get the crab one. What's that one mean?
@nixCraft Hot JavaScript?
@nixCraft I fear for the mental health of the programmers from this dimension. Even more so than those in our dimension.
@nixCraft Took me way too long to track down some of these (I don't pay much attention to logos and they're not listed in the repo) so for anyone who's similarly clueless...
VSCode with the vim logo.
ReactJS with the Angular logo.
Rust in a NodeJS style.
pip in a NPM style.
GitHub with the GitLab logo.
Ubuntu with the Debian logo.
JavaScript with the Java logo (apparently someone else's version of this was what inspired this effort).
Ferris the Rust crab in a Go-lang gopher style.
The repo also has Ruby on Rails in a WordPress style (that one took *forever* to dawn on me because I wasn't thinking about the text colors).
@nixCraft wtfmazing
@nixCraft I really want the VScode one
@nixCraft what's the barcode?