Who tf said that Rust is the easiest programming language?
@nixCraft people who want to get others into Rust and trap them there.
@nixCraft I programmed in PERL, Rust should be easy peasy
@brownhamer @nixCraft big perl project ptsd flashback...
But yeah, rust is definitely easier, at least you can be somewhat certain it does what it should, once it compiles.
@nixCraft Depends how you define easy. I think it’s easy when I don’t have to debug some unexpected NPE for example.
@nixCraft No one ever?
@nixCraft Triumph the insult comic dog
@nixCraft It might not be the easiest but neither are C, C++ or Ada. Yet Rust is one of the few languages that is memory safe while using manual memory management.
@nixCraft C, C++, and Ada do not generally claim to be easy. They claim to be good for complex problems (I prefer maintaining a 10 million lines of C++ to 100K lines of python having done both - but if the problem only calls for 5k lines of code python is much easier than C++)
@nixCraft everyone who takes rust as the new religion.
while I love rust, it's still hard to do stuff in it.
@bison @nixCraft I have wanted to try Rust for quite a while but in a professional setting it’s hard to justify unless you’re willing to commit to your team keeping a Rust dev around. My org is littered with onesy-twosy projects in Swift, Kotlin, Perl, Matlab, etc. that teams are saddled with maintaining in perpetuity because some engineer 10 years ago decided to experiment with the flavor of the month, make it just-barely-production, and then leave
@nixCraft people who only ever used C++ probably.
It's my understanding that Rust is not for everyone, just the elite, but everyone is welcome!
(NB check out the rest of the channel to snark on whatever you think needs snarking.)
@fuchsiii @nixCraft personally, I think that for #EasyProgrammingLanguage we'd rather see #bash, #fish, #python, #HTML or #C instead of #Rust...
Simply because the first 3 are script languages, HTML has #WYSIWYG-#Editors for over a quarter century and #C's #HelloWorld is just stupifyingly simple...
@nixCraft It wasn't me anyway
@nixCraft absolutely nobody
@nixCraft Some people might think programming languages are used to give instructions to the computers.
In reality, they are needed to channel the anger of the developers.
Nobody wants to learn a new technology to make the world a better place. They want just a new thing to hate after a short honeymoon together.
@nixCraft oh hell no. Python way ahead
literally no one
Someone who started with Brainfuck or Whitespace?
@nixCraft Someone who hadn't tried it out yet?
@nixCraft Well in a way it might actually be true, at least for me. I remember starting a larger project in python that I later rewrote in rust. I ended up with a larger codebase, but a maintainable, performant and reliably working application. In python (the lang I had used the most until then) I wasn't even able to finish the project/ make it work at all.
@nixCraft@mastodon.social depends on whether you're focused on starting or finishing projects >:3
@nixCraft Here's a more crazy comment: "Rust is easier than C"
@nixCraft The Donald.
@nixCraft Phew! I thought it was just me.
@nixCraft those who heard it