HR person: If you're leaving us, we need at least two weeks' notice. We can't have IT support staff just disappearing WILLY-NILLY!!
Me who is sysadmin: Don't worry, you'll definitely "notice" when I'm gone. Who dis? Heisenberg?
@linkachus17 @nixCraft no it's a genai crap.
@nixCraft it's not a normal legal requirement for employees to give any notice in Canada. Pay & benefits must be settled up to the day of resignation regardless of notice, no penalties for lack of notice.
Can be different under a CBA or specific contract terms, but generally it's a courtesy for resignation notice.
Employers HAVE to give 2 weeks notice. Not employees.
At one of my first jobs, I had an accident and ended up in hospital. They sent me a letter, asking me to return immediately, because it would have inacceptable business impact if I go to hospital without notice.
When I returned to office three weeks later, they then tried to fire me without notice and even brought up that bullshit in court.
@johnefrancis @nixCraft Good to know. I once had my IT fellow that resigned in Montreal. The contract said there was a one month notice for the employee. He said that two weeks was usual and did not give a heck about the contract terms. All in all I'm glad he left sooner than expected.
@nixCraft The counterpoint is: Do your REALLY want me poking about in your machines for another two weeks now I've opted to leave?
@sirwumpus @nixCraft poking around, probably not.
Answering email, training people, probably yes.
Especially if the person is just tired of stuff and not actually malicious.
If I had the authority, I’d ask / offer for a month of training. You get a Cousy job with minimal responsibility while others pick up your workload.
@nixCraft we just had a new head of Infrastructure join the team. Friday, we found out he'd handed in his resignation. He lasted a month before he noped out of there.
Says a lot for our work, doesn't it? I suspect he took one look at the nepotism in the trust and figured he'd never be able to do anything of value. Good for him.
@nixCraft did you... Spend a lot of power and water for a shitty AI picture of Walter White? That doesn't even look like him? Like there's literally thousands of pictures of this character on the internet. This is incredibly wasteful, man
@nixCraft The shadows tell me this was ai generated or modified.
@nixCraft had someone walk off a sysadmin job once back in 2012 and legal/hr threw a fit. Threatened all types of things.
Their s.o. Was an employment lawyer.
Things did t go we for the company.
@nixCraft yeah, there's a lot of pictures of Walter white to use. I do appreciate the sentiment. Maybe that was the point? Ai being the garbage that will replace the worker whose leaving?