So, there is a group of people on Mastodon that I have a lot of trouble relating to and understanding, that I somewhat lovingly call "The Misanthropes". They do a few things that boggle my mind a bit. The first is constantly announcing how they don't like humanity, and don't really want to be around people, which is okay, I guess, I can understand that, except you're doing it on SOCIAL media. If you just want to read articles, and look at pictures there are tons of better sources than social media, so why are you here? If you really hate all of humanity so much, you have the option in this one area to avoid it completely, why don't you?
Another thing is no matter what question I ask or how innocuous it is, someone will question the validity of why I'm asking it or the entire foundation of the question. So, why?! If you read a question and it doesn't apply to you or it doesn't interest you, don't interact with it, these aren't compulsory. Or I will ask What someone's favorite color is, and someone will say purple, they will tell that person that purple is traditionally the color of royalty, and ask them Why they are supporting the Monarchy, or if someone says yellow, they will let them know that yellow is hideous, and they shouldn't like it. Most of my questions are opinion or experience based, so the answer doesn't really matter, I am just trying to learn what people are like. What do you get out of making other people feel bad about themselves over basically unimportant things? Does it make you feel better about yourself or superior in some way? I really want to understand. Overall, most people are interesting and pleasant and just want to connect, what do you want?
@RickiTarr Biochemistry. It’s the dopamine high of getting those notifications.
@no1lion99 So basically any attention is good attention?