I just installed #OpenWRT on an old (2013) Fritz!Box router i got scammed into on Kleinanzeigen.
it was really simple
Do you guys think i could install #NixOS on that router instead? It only has like ~100MiB of Memory tho.
@qz sounds like you owe it to the internet to try! Use the minimal iso and make a minimal flake. Check out my codeberg under the nix/nixos repo you will find a "router" Snag my nftables for LAN / WAN give it a go i wanna know how it goes
currently my router is deployed on 8th gen intel x86 box. You could save resources if you offloaded your dhcp and dns to pihole and then you'd have a nice ui to manage your dhcp devices on a bare bones router.
@mischievoustomato @qz probably building with all your local package stores. Bet if you did some housekeeping and tried to build excluding any nix-store caches it would be quite a bit smaller? Just a guess though knowing nothing about your build script
@mischievoustomato @qz totally the way to go for a image on your local network. 10gig image on lan is nothing and would save toooonz of compile time