Obama has nothing to say about what Trump is doing, but he did post his NCAA bracket.
Biden has nothing to say about what Trump is doing, but he found time to post about St. Patrick's Day.
Harris has nothing to say about what Trump is doing, but she tweeted to celebrate International Women's Day.
It's not just Schumer. Dems have no idea how to mount a meaningful resistance. It's just BAU with them while the US descends into a Constitutional crisis. Hand the keys of the party to AOC, please!
@augieray I like to think that some of those people are working behind the scenes to do something and keeping their strategizing off the internet, away from devices that monitor what you say or write.
@nspsegal That's a nice fantasy, but the Dems couldn't even muster enough votes to oppose Trump's budget. There is no evidence of "working behind the scenes." Walz, Sanders and AOC are rallying the troops while most Dem leaders think they can affect change with strongly worded expressions of disappointment in press releases.
You're right, they are looking spineless, with a few excellent exceptions. But I would imagine if there was anything going on behind the scenes, it would be in everyone's best interests to be sure there was no evidence.